Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why Am I Gaining Weight If I'm Exercising Regularly!?

So you're trying to get in shape, lose some weight and look great. Your off to a great start, but then you step on the scale and "Oh no!", you're 5 pounds heavier than you were. This is not so uncommon for people trying to get fit. There are 3 common causes of weight gain during a new fitness campaign.

3 Reasons You Are Gaining Weight With Regular Exercise

1. Muscle Mass

The most common cause of weight gain during a fitness campaign comes from muscle mass. Muscle mass can build quite quickly, and since muscle is heavier than fat, the scale doesn't show that you've lost weight. If muscle is the culprit behind your weight gain, don't worry: all you have to do is keep at your workout and you should see your weight begin to fall after it peaks.

2. Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep is tied to weight gain, so even if you are exercising, this could be the cause. If your exercise is messing up your sleep schedule, consider exercising in the morning rather than at night. This way you don't have adrenaline pumping and won't be restless in the night.

3. New Diet

Diet is a very tricky thing to control when you are exercising more. On one hand, exercising makes you want to eat more because you are burning more calories, but on the other, it is easy to over indulge. If you are exercising a lot AND going on a diet, you may be making yourself worse off. If you try to eat less and workout more you are more tempted to eat more snacks, and especially junk food. Instead, try to eat a moderate amount, and make sure you have plenty of fruits and vegetables.

If you want to get fit and stay fit, it requires changing your lifestyle for the long term. Stick with eating healthy and exercising regularly and any initial weight gain will go away. If you are having weight gain or diet issues, its often a good idea to consult a specialist, whether it be a good personal trainer (browse over here), or your family doctor (find one). Keeping a moderate and healthy lifestyle will have you looking and feeling great, even if its not immediately obvious.

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