Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Top 5 Ways To Stay Motivated With Your Exercise Routine

At first, a new exercise routine is exiting and fun, but after a while it can really become a grind. What can you do to make it more interesting, engaging, and fun? Believe it or not, exercise can become addictive and rewarding if you stick with it and learn to enjoy it.

Here are 5 of the best ways to stay motivated with your exercise routine.

5. Music

Listening to music is a great way to keep up your energy and boost your intensity. If you've never experienced the flood of endorphins when listening to a great, upbeat song and working out at full speed you don't know what you're missing. It truly is one of the greatest feelings and will have you coming back to work out more often.

4. Group activities

It's hard to constantly pressure yourself to exercise if you aren't accountable to others. Joining a group is a great way to fix this problem. Whether you join a sports team, group workout or find a jogging partner, you will find that it's easier to get out the door when you have someone expecting you.

3. Personal Trainer

Similarly, another way to stay accountable is to sign up with a personal trainer. A good trainer will know how to keep up your motivation (look at this one), and will give you ways to increase your "workout accountability".

2. Picture it

If you have a target weight goal or just vaguely want to lose some weight, its not enough. All professional athletes will tell you that if you want to achieve something, you need to picture it. Search the internet for a great picture that captures what you could realistically look like if you keep up your routine (the image does not necessarily have to be as fit as the people in the video above, but it's same idea).

1. Self Accountability

Combined with accountability to others, self accountability is key. Set your goals carefully. Make sure your goals are realistically achievable, not too easy, and time-constrained. Work out a rough schedule and action plan of how you will achieve your goal and update it regularly with your results. If you don't accomplish what you want, don't be discouraged. Remember, progress is more important than your destination.

I believe every person has it in them to recognize realistic goals and accomplish them, because I've seen first hand how the laziest person can come to really enjoy living a healthier lifestyle. Not only will you look better, you will feel amazing. Good Luck!

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